Friday, June 6, 2014

week 4

Week 4 in writing, and I still feel like I suck at it! I can talk someone's ear off, but I guess I cant write it! This week, we had to write another 4 page essay. I am not doing to well with it! I cant seem to get out of my own head! I see 4 pages, and it seems to mess with me. I know it not that many pages, nit still. I fall short of 4 pages every time, and I cant seem to get more info in, without feeling like I am just putting fillers. So lets hope I can get over this, since I only have 2 more weeks! AHHHHH!!!! We got to write about, what we thought the Glass Castle, meant to Jeannette Walls and her family. I feel, it was her last hope, what kept her going though all the horrible things she suffered. She could only hold on to it, for so long. Once she was old enough to understand want she was going though, she got out. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Can’t believe we are already in week 3, we are half way done!  I have discovered I am not huge fan of on-line classes, or at least the 6 week kind, maybe I need to try the full 12 week kind. But no worries, I am tucking along just fine, I hope :/

This week in class, we had to write about the book we are reading called, the glass castle. This book is very interesting. I personally love reading books about people, I can’t really get into the "fake stories". I am only about half way through the book, but so far I am really enjoying it. It has many different themes in it.
 I find that neglect is a big role in it so far. The fact that, right away you are told about how Ms. Walls, was only 3 years old, when she burned herself making hot dogs on the stove is so unbelievable.
The next thing theme is poverty, how the move from town to town overnight to get away from the bill collector's. That they don't bath, or have good clean clothes or even food.
This book, so far has taught me so far, to be glad for what I have and ever had. As I am sure, most of us out there thought now and again that we could have more.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hello All!

This blog will be about my writing class that I am taking at cedar crest college, where I am working on my RN BSN. This is my first writing class, I am taking in college!  So here goes nothing!

This week we read three articles, "The Banking concept of education," :"In the basement of the ivory tower," and " Social class and the hidden curriculum of work." These articles are very interesting, to say the least. All of these articles are about how we are taught in education. My personal favorite is "In the basement of the ivory tower". Professor X, talks about how some people aren't meant to go to college.

I am looking forward to the rest of the things we get to read and write about. Hopefully by the end of this class, I will be able to call myself a writer! So wish me luck!